ABOUT Candice Dawkshas, the lead attorney at CRD Attorneys.
Candice started her career at Bowman in 2001.She left Bowman as a senior associate in 2005 to become a partner at BKM Attorneys were she ran a successful practice until May 2017.
She left BKM Attorneys on 1 June 2017 to start CRD Attorneys and has been practicing at CRD since.
Her experience includes -
The successful conclusion of various disputes, reviews and appeals in the construction, event and exhibition, property, architectural, insurance and engineering sector.
Successfully implementing amalgamations and mergers in the insurance industry and property industry.
The acquisition of an aircraft business and the preparation and registration of mortgage bonds over aircrafts and helicopters as security with the Civil Aviation Authority and the International Registry and the successful review of an CAA licence.
Setting up structures and drafting agreements for transactions throughout Africa including – Angola, Tanzania, Ghana and Nigeria.
The purchase and sale of various businesses as going concerns and numerous sale of shares agreements in all sectors.
Assisting a property group with advice regarding lease agreements, applicable legislation and successfully winning many Magistrate and High Court matters.
The formation of various companies and trusts and the preparation of all the accompanying constitutional documents and agreements.
Providing legal advice and general assistance in labour related issues including assistance with disciplinary enquiries and providing tclients with various policies including: Code of Conducts, Sexual Harassment Policies, Grievance Procedure Policies, Internet and Email Policies and Social Media Policy.
Company secretarial work for large groups of companies including groups of companies in the insurance, architecture, construction, events and engineering sectors.
The resolution of various contractual and commercial disputes on behalf of our clients; the resolution of various contractual and commercial disputes on behalf of clients.
Seminars, in house training and lecturing at GIBS on various legislation and compliance.
Liquidation of deceased estates.
Assistance with Business Rescues.